Friday, July 13, 2007

Seduction (An Addendum)

A lot of folk may think I hate the character Jareth from my last blog. That's incorrect. I really like him. I think he's pretty damn cool and stylish (in poncy sort of way). Now, to continue.

Just watched Labyrinth again for the first time in years tonight, and I realized something - Jareth really isn't that bad of a guy. Yes, he's domineering and a complete control freak, but in his own way he does indeed seem to love Sarah - he simply wants to control her, like everything else. But the kicker is, as fearsome as he seems, the Goblin King has no real power. It's all illusion and intimidation, sound and lights. I also noticed something else - in one of the songs (Within You), he repeatedly states "I can't live within you". Now think about that, the general longing of that song, contrasted with Jareth's ultimate powerlessness in any real sense. You can't live without someone, you're so afraid of loosing them, that you try to manipulate their every move despite your inability to truly control them. Classic psychological abuse pattern in a way, but also rather sad. Sad that the individual can't have enough trust, enough faith that the one they love will stay with them. It betrays a critical lack of self confidence, and phenomenonally low esteem. I know. I've been there. So, in a way, Jareth is not so much a monster to be hated, but rather someone to be pitied.

And when I came to that realization, I felt very much at peace, like something had changed. I long time ago, something Tobias (a friend on the Cypress Nemeton boards) said made me think that maybe, just maybe, I didn't have to hate the Christian god as I have, as my past has dictated. I think now, that that sentiment was right. I hated him for something he took away from me, but, just now, my girlfriend made me realize that it was within my power to take back all long. I just didn't realize it.

This is hard to say, but I don't think I hate him anymore. I pity him.

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