Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So This Is Christmas

The first year of World War One, the British and German troops in some places on the Western Front made their own peace - a bit of truce, a bit of humanity amidst the war. It started by singing songs, and (at least in one place) by one brave German risking his life to bring a Xmas tree to the British in the opposite trench.

Why am I talking about this on Christmas Eve? Because I wanna be that German. Any other time, I am, as you can tell gentle reader, something of an amateur culture warrior. I oppose both Christianity and Islam, and the expansion of either, and I am very much a liberal (generally speaking). All this culture war crap is necessary - vitally so in my opinion - because by debating such matters on the internet (and elsewhere) endlessly to the point of nausea we as a culture can hopefully keep the conflict on an intellectual level, and keep it from becoming something worse. Hopefully. But this is Christmas. Peace on Earth, goodwill to men, and all that. Regardless of our beliefs, for tonight and tomorrow let us have peace, let us make our own private truces. We can go back to the trenches in due time.

Peace, everyone. Please.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to all!


BG45 said...

Merry Christmas Nightmare!

Rad Winters, Alanologist said...

My thoughts are not as peaceful as yours this season... but a Happy Yule to you.

Nightmare said...

Sorry to hear that Rebecca - if you want a random someone to talk to let me know or drop an email.

Es said...

Thanks for this Nightmare, I know I commented on it on the board, but it really helped me get through the holiday season. I hope you had a very good Yule.

Nightmare said...

Pretty good, can't complain that's for sure. Glad my tiny contribution helped Es :D