Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Passing Of An Era....

Tromping around the internet this morning, I stopped by Dumpshock, what I consider the premire Shadowrun fansite. Upon looking around I was dismayed to find that, while they had fixed many of the errant links on the site, they also seem to no longer be hosting two sites that for me are a rather large portion of Shadowrun history - the Shadowrun Archive and Blackjack's Shadowrun Page. Neither of these pages has been actually updated since 2000, so it's understandable to stop hosting them, but...

Blackjack - one Branson Hagerty - is a personality that is likely little known to the wider populace, or to newer Shadowrun players for that matter. A notoriously...grumpy...individual who mainly GMed rather than played the game - something he constantly complained about - Blackjack apparently switched to 3rd edition Shadowrun when it came out, but his site never reflected it. Indeed, said site - and his Blackjack's Corner column on the Shadowrun Archives - was full of his uniquely crusty humor and NERPS as well as a good deal of his philosophy and opinion on how to play and GM the game. His writing was quirky, sarcastic, vaguely nostalgic, and downright bitchy......and I loved every bit of it. His philosophy of gaming had a large effect on mine, even though I never interacted with him directly. These two sites were two of the first Shadowrun sites I ran unto when I first got access to the internet back in the fall of '94, and they were "places" I loved.

And now they are well and truly gone. Yet another sign that I'm getting old.

For those interested, portions of these sites can be viewed via the Wayback Machine here:
Blackjack's Shadowrun Page
The Shadowrun Archive - Blackjack's Corner


Anonymous said...



Rad Winters, Alanologist said...

Hey Nightmare, it's Rad from the EW forum. Just thought I'd stop by and say "Hi" to you here... seeing as I've accomplished something even you could not do, and that is getting banned from EW! Must be a sign from the Lawd. Hallelujah and all that crap. Anyway I wanted to say thanks to you for helping me and inspiring me in my escape from Christianity. You rock bro.

Nightmare said...

Reaaaly now? Interesting :D Thanks much for the praise dear {hug} I'm sure I'll see you around at Outreach (I've been meaning to get back there just haven't got to it).

Rad Winters, Alanologist said...

I was amused to see that it was my "miserable insect in stool" comment that pushed Mark over the edge. Got that one from a Hare Krishna book.

I read your posts this am and agree with your assessment. Disappointing, but what can we expect from a forum dominated by that ever-flatulent Holy Spirit?

Have a great day playing WoW .. I'll catch ya around Pagan Outreach or some other friendly place!

Melissa said...

Hey, NM, it's Missy.

Just wanted to say hey, and let you know that even some of the Christians are unhappy with what EW has become. And it sucks that it's turned out the way it has.

Why do you think I don't come around there anymore? ;)

Anyhow, peace and blessings to you!

Nightmare said...

Glad to hear that Missy :D You aren't the only one I know of ;)

BG45 said...

Gotta love that Mark is threatening to ban anyone who tries to get a banned person back.

Nightmare said...

Yeah, ain't that cute? Gotta love the free speech and open conversation over there in Naziland lol