Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hunting Jesus

Much and nothing have happened since my last post. Call me lazy or call me unmotivated, both are likely true. It's been a years of trials, that's for sure. The comfortable norm upset. And in a way that's a good thing. I'm rid of baggage that I'm better off without, and moreover once again motivated to do things. To imagine, to write, to dream, and to work my Art. It's amazing how stagnant and dull one can become when someone else takes over your life.

But enough of that. As I type this I'm in the process of perhaps the oddest project I've undertaken to date. At my Lady's (insistent) prompting, I am endeavoring to become a Christian again. What the fuck, I know. Though I don't understand her reasoning at the moment, I'm willing to trust. So I go attempting to re-engage (rebuild, recreate?) the faith I once had. Not easy going mind you, as I now know so much of my previous errors. So in a way it becomes an exercise of suspension of disbelief - on a personally epic scale.

So shhhhhhh, be very very quiet. I'm hunting Jesus...


Rad Winters, Alanologist said...

Interesting turn of events. Though I can't exactly relate at this time, I wish you well as you continue this journey. May the Lady continue to watch and guide you. As for that Jesus fellow, well, I don't have much to do with him any more, but will be interested to read insights you might have. You should post more often, slacker! :P

Nightmare said...

Hey Rad! Glad to see you dear! (hugs) Yeah, twas definitely something of a massive WTF? when she first started in with that. The results have been, well, intriguing to say the least. I'm still trying to figure things out, and will post again when I do somewhat.

Been thinking of spliting this blog too, one for spiritual/magical stuff one for gaming - that would likely get me to post more perhaps LOL

Lost Englishman said...

Nightmare my friend, what can I say. I wish you well in your endeavors to find Jesus once again, but I must warn you now. When (and if) you do find him you will have a choice to make. Jesus himself tells us that no man can follow two masters, and therein lies your choice. Follow your Lady, or Follow Jesus? It is one or the other.

Personally I would see this as a test, your lady may not be as sure of your faith in her as you are. She may be testing you to see if you can be tempted back to the Lord. But who am I to say.

Final word my friend (as always), seek with an open heart and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened.

Nightmare said...

Lost Englishman said...
When (and if) you do find him you will have a choice to make. Jesus himself tells us that no man can follow two masters, and therein lies your choice. Follow your Lady, or Follow Jesus? It is one or the other.

Well, at the moment I'm doing rather well with the both of them. Apparently they share enough goals of work in some sort of harmony. As for masters, I still only serve one, me - but that don't mean I have to be totally selfish as the LHP would dictate. ;)

Personally I would see this as a test, your lady may not be as sure of your faith in her as you are. She may be testing you to see if you can be tempted back to the Lord. But who am I to say.

In truth she was rather concerned about "loosing me" but as I told her going into this that wasn't gonna happen. Thankfully my Lord Christ has not asked I abandon my previous relationships - tis a good thing, because such was not nor is even on the table and is totally non-negotiable. I am a loyal creature at heart and do not abandon my friends without provocation (even though I may loose track of some such as yourself at times, unfortunately :( ).

Lost Englishman said...

I know what you mean about losing track of friends, it has been too long since we last talked, but I have picked up your email from another post and I plan on emailing you soon (if you have not already received it before checking this :D)

Nightmare said...

Coolness :D

Anonymous said...

Dude I trust you know waht you are doing?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nightmare said...

Yup, that I do - rest assured though that after a brief period of WhattheHellamI-itis I've come to the conclusion that I simply cannot with any honesty call myself a Christian. There is simply far too much I disagree with and cannot believe.

Thus I remain a pagan anarchist, but albeit one with a more complicated philosophy than before.

One of these days I'll actually get around to posting something on it here - eventually XD